Changes in the production factor’s structures in agriculture in the light of price adjustments. A case study of selected EU countries1
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Poznań University of Economics, Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics
Online publication date: 2016-01-29
Management 2015;19(2):136-151
The conducted research concerns the issue of the impact of the prices on the volume and the productivity of labour and capital factors. The purpose of the article is to compare to what extend changes in the structures of agricultural production factors in the agriculture of selected EU countries (Poland, Hungary, Italy) in years 1999-2013 are the consequence of adaptation to price conditions on the agricultural products markets and production factors markets. The studies prove the low elasticity of production factor structures relative to the price scissors index in the all countries. However, in the case of Hungary and Poland it is particularly low, which can be connected with low capitalization of agriculture in those countries, on the one hand, and the “path dependency” effect in the context of communist past of these countries, on the other.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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