The impact of business support organizations on the innovative activity of Lubusz industrial enterprises
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1Ph.D. University of Zielona Góra Faculty of Economics and Management, Góra, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-06-26
Management 2018;22(1):85-100
The impact of business support organizations on the innovative activity of Lubusz industrial enterprises Business support institutions are one of the institutional solutions that are aimed at stimulating innovation, and influenced by innovation policy. The aim of the article was to determine the impact of business support institutions on the innovative activity of enterprises that use their services in comparison to entities that do not. However, the research hypothesis was that institutions will increase the chances of running innovation activity and cooperation, but the impact will be diversified. 756 industrial enterprises from the Lubusz voivodeship took part in the survey. It was carried out in 2014 for the years of 2011-2013. The multifactorial logit modelling was used as the research model. As a result of the conducted analyses, it was established that technology parks and training and consulting centres are a strong link of supporting the innovation of industrial enterprises in the region. In addition, innovation centres, such as technology parks, technology incubators, technology transfer centres and business angel networks increase the chances of incurring expenditures on research and development activities. In the voivodeship, the institutions also initiate cooperation in the area of new solutions. Entrepreneurs are more likely to cooperate with each other than to transfer knowledge from the sphere of science to business.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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