The Use of Age Management to Professional Activiation of the Elderly / Wykorzystanie zarządzania wiekiem w obszarze aktywizacji zawodowej osób starszych
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University of Zielona Góra Faculty of Economics and Management
Online publication date: 2013-05-31
Management 2013;17(1):305-318
The increase in interest in the topic of aging is associated - to some extent - with the currently unavoidable demographic changes. On the one hand, life expectancy increases, on the other hand, fertility rates fall. As a consequence the proportion of younger generations is reduced, and the share of older generations. A disturbing fact has been the low level of economic activity of the elderly, among others in Europe for many years. The reasons for this are complex. However, looking for ways and means that would allow greater involvement of older people in the labour market should be considered. One such method, which in developed countries is gaining more and more interest is the management of age. The purpose of this article is to indicate the extent to which age management can be useful in improving the professional activity of generations of people 50 +. The background to the issue is the statistics on the labor force participation of older people in Europe.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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