The influence of the selected factors on the financial liquidity of the enterprises quoted on the NewConnect market
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University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Economics and Management
Online publication date: 2013-12-04
Management 2013;17(2):139-153
The influence of the selected factors on the financial liquidity of the enterprises quoted on the NewConnect market It is for evaluation of the financial liquidity that financial liquidity ratios are applied; in particular the current ratio, which is a relation of current assets to current liabilities. However, this indicator does not provide wide interpretative possibilities in synthetic terms. It is a structural system, which is called „a pyramid of indicators”, that provides much greater interpretative possibilities and allows for determining. The purpose of this article is to present a proposal of a system of factors shaping the financial liquidity and to examine the strength and the influence direction of these factors on the financial liquidity of the companies quoted on the NewConnect stock exchange and ranked among construction companies. It is in order to accomplish this objective that the correlation analysis and the linear regression methods were applied.It results from the analysis of the correlation coefficient that the directions of changes of the financial liquidity and of the turnover of the current liabilities as well as of the financial liquidity and of the structure of the sources of financing the assets were significantly similar (harmonized). However, there was no linear correlation between the financial liquidity and the structure of assets as well as between the financial liquidity and the indicator of financing the sales revenue with external capital. The regression model created on the example of the enterprises belonging to the construction industry showed that the most important factor shaping the level of the financial liquidity is the share of the current assets in the total assets (X1). It is from the point of view of the β ratio that the structure of sources of financing assets (X4) is the most essential for the financial liquidity.
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