Experiencing mobbing at workplace facing psychological gender and occupational burnout
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University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sociology, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-06-13
Management 2019;23(1):156-173
The problem of mobbing in the work environment is significant, there are many factors determining mobbing, and its negative effects affect both the employees of the organization and their social environment as well as the work process. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of experiencing mobbing with psychological gender dimensions and occupational burnout. 180 people participated in the study, a group of respondents consisted of 123 women and 57 men, aged 20 to 57 years. The research process used: Negative Action Questionnaire (NAQ), Psychological Gender Inventory (IPP) and Questionnaire to study behaviours and experiences related to work (AVEM). In order to analyse the obtained research results, a correlation analysis was performed to check the relationship between experiencing mobbing activities, (1) and the psychological gender and (2) burnout as well as a linear regression analysis to check what predictors of burnout are. The results of statistical analyses revealed that there is no connection between the experience of mobbing and the psychological gender dimension – femininity, while it was noticed that at the level of statistical tendency there is the relationship between the experience of mobbing and the psychological gender dimension – masculinity. Analysing the results obtained, it was noticed that there is a connection between the experience of mobbing and burnout, people experiencing mobbing are at risk of occupational burnout.
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