Analysis of changes in the organizational structure of municipal offices
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Employed at Legnica Town Hall
Online publication date: 2012-12-28
Management 2012;16(2):373-387
Organisational Structure of Municipal Offices - Key Determinats The multitude of tasks and problem issued faced by local governments necessitates their evolution towards improvement of the existing organisational structures. Comparison of the existing organisational structures of various municipal offices could create a misleading that their organizational structures do not undergo any transformations. In reality, the type of an organisational structure remains unchanged while its elements change very frequently. These changes are activated when, according to the office management, they do not ensure proper performance of tasks faced by local government administration and appropriate customer service. Also note that, in the applied solutions, there is a strive for perfection which can be noticed, in a sense. It expresses the concept that this is not a structure which can effectively play its role today and is prepared for challenges of tomorrow. However, the process of transformations has not developed any new solutions. To this end, the local government must develop organisational structures appropriate for identifying and reaching its objectives. For this reason, it’s worthwhile to consider solutions which combine elements of the existing and modern solutions or address new opportunities created by process-oriented structures. However, these transformations must, first and foremost, cause a transformation of bureaucratic-style municipal offices into modern organisations which apply modern methods of management. These are organisations which introduce deep-reaching organisational changes, i.e. transform their hierarchic interorganisational relations into more partner relations and transform their structural solutions into more flexible solutions as well as change their employees’ way of thinking. Without such transformations in local government, municipal offices will be still referred to as bureaucracy and civil servants as bureaucrats.
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