The Impact of Social Media Sites on Developing Consistently among Students to Achieve Responsible Behaviour: A Field Study for Students of Northern Border University
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Ph.D., Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Batna 1 – Algeria
Ph.D., Northern Border University,Saudi Arabia
Ph.D., Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of M’Hamed BOUGARA Boumerdes, Algeria
Online publication date: 2022-07-14
Management 2022;26(1):36-62
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of social media on students’ awareness of responsible behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. The field study was carried out with a sample of 726 students from Northern Border University. Data were collected from electronically retrieved questionnaires via various communication channels and analysed using hierarchical linear regression. The study found a relationship between the use of social media sites and awareness among students, affected by age differences. With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, universities face the challenge of ensuring precautionary guidelines to prevent the virus are followed while educating their students, and social media plays a significant role in disseminating this information. Therefore, studying how social media helps develop students’ awareness can contribute to addressing some of the problems faced by decisionmakers in Saudi universities.
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