The application of organizational restructuring in enterprise strategic management process
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University of Zielona Góra
Online publication date: 2012-12-28
Management 2012;16(2):54-62
The application of organizational restructuring in enterprise strategic management process The aim of the paper was to present the concept of enterprise organizational restructuring process, its application in strategic management process. There was presented enterprise restructuring, its typology, areas of application in organizations with concentration on organizational restructuring process. The concept of enterprise organizational restructuring process consists of 6 main steps. Those are: identification of need of organizational restructuring, enterprise strategic diagnosis, analysis of external and internal determinants, preparation of organizational restructuring programme, implementation of organizational restructuring programme and control of organizational restructuring programme. The assessment model of organizational restructuring efficiency focuses on three main measurements, that is quality of services or products (qualitative factor), level of costs (quantitative factor) and level of intellectual capital, that is human capital, organisational capital and client capital (qualitative and qualitative factor). Changing environment, its instability, the need of continuous companies’ internal development is a reason for further, more detailed study and research of organizational restructuring, which may be always used as a appropriate response to external or internal crisis situation.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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