Factorial analysis of the elements that compose the training in the small and medium enterprises of the Industrial sector
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Technological Institute of Sonora in the Department of Administrative SciencesMexico
Online publication date: 2018-12-19
Management 2018;22(2):42-59
The most important factor in small and medium-sized enterprises is undoubtedly the training; intellectual capital directly impacts the growth and productivity of the organization, so the preparation given to employees is vital. The study carried out a factorial analysis to identify the components to be considered in the training of the SMEs in the industrial sector of Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, México. The considered variables were: training, legal aspects of training, training budget, training course instructors, training culture and seniority in the company. As a result, the analysis of communalities allows us to observe that of these variables, the one that produces the lowest percentage of the variance is the age of the company, so it could be dispensed as a component of the training.
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