Behavioral Intention Of Young Consumers Towards The Acceptance Of Social Media Marketing in Emerging Markets
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Ph.D., Dalat University, The Faculty of Economics & Business Administration, Lamdong, Vietnam
Online publication date: 2020-12-31
Management 2020;24(2):69-93
The study identifies the factors that influence marketing through social media of users in the Vietnam market, conducted through qualitative and quantitative methods. The research results show that Intention to use social media marketing is directly affected by Attitude towards advertisement and Attitude to electronic words of mouth. Additionally, perceived usefulness, Search Level and Perceived risk are factors that directly affect Attitude towards advertisement. Whereas, material condition and perceived usefulness are factors that affect Attitudes towards electronic words of mouth. This study also provides some implications for marketers through social networks to increase the confidence and effectiveness of marketing campaigns and programs through this channel.
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